Minecraft 360 mods

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It's a game which can expand outwards in a number of ways, but the base technology used on console is sound. Or at least, as close to it as Microsoft's regulations will allow.ĤJ's senior technology officer Paddy Burns spoke to us about the order of priority for this kind of project.

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On task to find out whether this was actually the case was Dundee-based 4J Studios, the team that went the extra mile for the feature-rich conversion of Perfect Dark on XBLA, and which is now dead-focused on updating Minecraft 360 Edition to match the features available on PC. It's easy to assume a game of this nature would make any platform jump with relative ease. Whether you're a modder or a budding block architect, the underlying engine is very upfront with its mechanics, making it easy for just about anyone to understand, to pick apart, and ultimately to make their own.

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From day one, the outright simplicity of Minecraft's core design has been at the heart of its success.